How to differentiate REAL and FAKE PO Bling?
Hey girls, PO Bling is Korea's best selling pore sonic cleansing device! It's efficiency of deep cleaning your pores are simply amazing! However, there are many sellers online or websites that sell fake PO Bling and claim that they are real ones. I actually bought 2 PO Bling from 2 different website but unfortunately I got a fake one from xxx (If you wish to know feel free to drop me an email because I believe MANY people actually buy stuff from there lol) Lets begin! First, lets take a look at both PO Bling, can you guess which is real and which is the fake one? Now, look at the box of the both PO Bling, they still look the same right? Take a closer look! Although it is not very clear, you can see they have slightly different font, look at the exclamation mark (!) This is the back of the box. Under the CE marking, I am not very sure what is that called but I think it is the type of plastic used to manufacture the box? This is the power bu...